"200% return on your fees, minimum! "

Solutions for Project Owners, End Users and Designers

DOC-Co LLC offers a wide range PRE-Construction PEER  REVIEW professional consulting services. Your time is best devoted to your core business of defining the project program requirements to meet hte needs of your end user . Contact us for consultation on how we can become your outsourced Preconstruction Peer Review service.

Our fees are based upon your needs . We will base or proposal upon your requested service levels level


Service Levels Offered:

*Standard redline review  of Construction drawings, up to 100 pages. Includes review for conflicts , errors & omissions, coordination of trades , coordination of design disciplines

(additional Fees applied per sheet  after 1st 100 sheets )

*Standard Redline/highlighted review of project Specifications. Includes review for conflicts , errors , omissions, trade coordination, VE, LEED points and certifications, coordination of design disciplines.

*Proposed Value Engineering of various building systems to provide Budget Saving Alternatives.

*Review of potential Construction LEED points  to meet or exceed certification requirements

* Final review reports for presentation to owner, designers , investors as required.


*Perform in depth review of proposed budget and project schedule along with recomendations for improved coordination and phasing of the work.


* Review of Prime Contractor/Subcontractor Scopes of work on Construction Management project.


We will provide a thorough review to reflect the level of involvement requested within the allowed time. We can in no way gaurantee that we will be able to resolve every issue on the project as they relate to the documents  as many items will be subjective by trade and by particular subcontractor scopes and bids. We can state that you will double your money back by implementing our review comments into your documents.